"Give all your worries and cares to God,
for he cares about what happens to you." 1 Peter 5:7
We are not alone! Prayer connects us with God! Sharing each other's concerns strengthens our own faith! How may we pray for you?
Send your spoken and unspoken prayer requests to our prayer ministry by calling the church office (724-843-0862) or sending an e-mail to the church
If you would like to be part of our prayer ministry by lifting prayers for others, contact our church office to be added to the email list. Let us continue to lift one another up in a spirit of prayer.
Current Prayer Concerns for our Church Family and Friends are published in the monthly Church Newsletter and the weekly bulletin announcements. Prayer concerns are listed hear regularly. Please check back often.
Continued prayers for:
Sunday, September 15th...
- Wendy Kline for a continuing migraine.
- Michelle Furgiuele for cancer treatment.
- Wayne Davis for cancer treatment.
- 20 month old Holden Eckman treatment for Leukemia.
- Richard Moody hospitalized with a number of health issues.
- Tim Ramsey following surgery.
- Those suffering with viral illnesses.
- For those suffering mental anguish and illnesses.
- Christian Education Team as we prepare to kick-off Fall Programming. We are still in need of Sunday School Teachers and Kids’ Club leadership.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
- Tim Hollingshead following a stroke.
- Sierra for seizures.
- Jerry Snyder recovering following hip surgery.
- Sylvia Stedina began physical therapy.
- Missy Gardner recovering well following ankle surgery.
- Finley Metzler tumors have decreased in size.
Midweek Prayers...
- Heather Salter for pneumonia.
Sunday, September 1, 2024
- Diana Rape Family as she is laid to rest.
- Kitty Herzog recovering following a fall and head injury.
- Wayne Davis diagnosed with cancer.
- Matt Currey recovering following carpal tunnel surgery.
- Praise that Petie Petrik is home and doing well.
- Unspoken awaiting biopsy results.
Mid-week Prayers...
- Sharlaine Gallegos as they seek to dissolve a piece of calcium that is blocking an artery in the brain. Also for her daughter who is the sole caregiver for her mom and her disabled husband.
- Mike, a friend of Lisa Lewis, who will have open heart surgery this week.
- Baby Lucas in Children's Hospital with a brain bleed and had to be intubated.
Sunday, August 25th...
- Frank Black who is going through difficult times.
- Barb & Jack Mulik’s son-in-law, Wayne, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
- Jenny Smith
- Larry Ewing for upcoming treatments.
- Students, teachers, bus drivers & school administration and staff as they return to school.
Weekly Ongoing Prayer Concerns
- Those recovering from a variety of illnesses.
- Unspoken and Anonymous Requests.
- Those struggling in times of uncertainty.
- Those suffering in addiction and their families.
- Those who grieve loss and change.
- Those suffering in addiction and their families.
- Those suffering anxiety and depression.
- Those who are lonely.
- Broken relationships and hearts that are hurting.
- Our neighbors at home and across the world, especially those in the midst of conflict or natural disaster.
- Our church and the way forward
- Our Church Ministries and leadership
- Our Home Touch Friends
- Our children and youth as we make plans for the Fall
- Our Church Family—check in on someone you haven’t seen in awhile; pray through the church directory.
- Those without a church to call home.
- Our Community and Neighbors
- Our Workplaces.
- First Responders
- Those serving in the Military
- Elected officials
- Our Schools—children, teachers, administrators, staff, bus drivers and volunteers.
- Unspoken Requests
- Praise for Answered Prayers
PRAYER MINISTRY: Intentional prayer every day at 3 pm for our Bishop, The Cabinet, Our District Superintendent, Our Church, Our Pastor and Church Leaders.