Join us for Sunday worship in our Sanctuary at 9:30am or virtually, via our YouTube Channel (Click Watch Live on the menu). 
Worship Materials
 This Sunday's Bulletin & Announcements
Music Ministry 
Our choir sings weekly, October - December and March - April, as the choir ushers in Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter with music!  If you love to sing... join us as we rejoice.  For more information, see Robin Beige for details!
If you would like to sing a solo, schedule a date with Robin during the winter or summer months when the choir is off!
Nursery Care
Nursery Care is provided during worship and if needed, during Sunday School.  We have one paid person and other volunteers that assist as needed including some older teens.  Current clearances are on file for all adults working in the nursery.
Children's Church
During the school year, volunteers provide Children's Church for 4th Grade and younger in our Conference Room.  After the Children's Sermon, the children are dismissed to Children's Church, if they (and you) desire them to take part in this volunteer run ministry.  Children's Church typically includes a lesson, a craft, and a snack.  On Communion Sunday's the children are brought back into the Sanctuary to receive communion.  Current clearances are on file for all adults working in Children's Church.

Contact Us

Unionville UMC
1297 Route 68
Rochester, PA 15074
(New Sewickley Twp,
Beaver County, PA)
Reverend Alan J. Morrison, Pastor
Church Office:
Tuesday:    Noon to 2pm
Thursday:  Noon to 4pm
Phone:  (724) 843-0862

Sunday Schedule

Worship Service: 9:30 AM
Sunday School: 11:00 AM
Kid's Club: 6:30 PM
Youth: 6:30 PM
Time, Talent, Treasure: 6:30 PM
 Our facility is handicap accessible.
Hearing impaired devices and large print hymnals are available on request.
A staffed nursery is available on Sunday mornings.