Time, Talent & Treasure
An adult class that runs alongside our Sunday evening Children & Youth Programming from 6:30-8:00 PM. Each week a different presenter from the congregation or community, shares with us their special skill, hobby, craft or profession. The class is open to the community. If you haven’t checked it out, do yourself a favor and stop in, bring along a friend and/or share the opportunity with others.
We have learned to make cheese and to "dance in the rain" as we discover peace & hope in the midst of change & grief; learned about bees, insurance, basic kitchen herbalism, financial planning, neurodevelopment disorders, and mindful movement; how to crochet granny squares, make cards, and make sourdough bread; and we have learned about protecting our identity against scams and internet thieves. Every class has served to inform and educate as well as inspire. We have been deeply touched at times and we have smiled and laughed together a lot! This class is about building Community and we invite you to come and take part! If you have an idea for a class or know someone who would like to come and speak on a topic, please contact the church office.
Here's a sampling of what we've done since the inception.
Miscellaneous Weeks
Making Cheese
Learning about Bees
Card Making
Granny Square Crochet
Dutch Oven Cooking
Basic Kitchen Herbalism
Sour Dough Bread Making